Statements of Support
Part of improving the system of health care delivery is transforming the support we give to the millions of family caregivers across this country. C-TAC understands this. That’s why their models of person- and family- centered care support both patients with serious illness and their caregivers. AARP proudly supports the mission of C-TAC to improve the care for some of our sickest fellow Americans — and their families. – Susan Reinhard, PhD, Senior Vice President for Public Policy, AARP
The efforts of C-TAC are important not only for the individual with advanced illness, but also for the productivity of the overall workforce. Employees are juggling their own health care needs and their responsibilities as caregivers with the demands of their jobs. The efforts of C-TAC promote the best-practice delivery of health care, while empowering individuals to make informed choices for themselves and their family members, thus limiting some of the distractions that interfere with their overall well-being and the productivity in their work. – J. Brent Pawlecki, MD, MMM, Chief Health Officer, The Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
As a member of the faith community, I am proud to be affiliated with the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC). This diverse coalition is person centered, and provides a unique vision that makes it possible to transform advance illness care by supporting existing best practice delivery models. C-TAC’s Vision to provide “comprehensive, high quality,patient-centered care that is consistent with their goals and values and honors their dignity.”is a value that is resonates with the faith communities goals and objectives to provide for the human welfare. C-TAC’s commitment to empowering communities with diverse traditions, beliefs and faiths offers innovative and exciting opportunities to change the health delivery systems for the most vulnerable and the sickest in our society. As a member of the faith community, I strongly support C-TAC’s mission, strategic plan,and their recognition of the importance of diverse voices. Dr. Rev. Tyrone Pitts, General Secretary Emeritus, Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc.
The American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) supports the mission of C-TAC because well-informed patients are their own best advocates and invaluable partners for physicians. ASCO is working with oncologists and their care teams to help patients and their families talk about advanced cancer and identify the best, individualized treatment plan for each patient. ASCO also has a patient booklet available on www.Cancer.Net that is designed to help people with advanced cancer as well as their families and caregivers understand diagnosis and treatment options, discuss their choices for care throughout the course of the illness, and find support,” said CEO of the American Society of Clinical Oncology Allen Lichter, MD
The American Heart Association is proud to be a member of the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care. The Coalition is a voice of support for patients at their time of greatest need. We believe strongly in each of the Coalition’s six unifying Guiding Principles, because they give consideration not only to quality of care, but also to human dignity. In the years ahead, the resources offered by the Coalition will form an essential part of our outreach to patients – and their families – with advanced cardiovascular illness. - Nancy Brown, Co-Chair, C-TAC Steering Committee and CEO, American Heart Association
Ascension Health is proud to be a member of the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC). As the nation’s largest Catholic and nonprofit health care system, over the past 7 years we have been increasing our capacity to deliver robust interdisciplinary palliative care to our chronically and seriously ill patients and their families. Providing this type of holistic, person-centered care accomplishes goals that are most important to patients and their families such as: controlling pain and symptoms, improving communication and understanding, reducing inappropriate interventions and procedures, enhancing well-being and dignity, achieving a sense of control, and strengthening relationships with loved ones. I am confident that C-TAC will be able to play an important role in influencing public policy and increasing education and awareness on the importance of providing this type of care for our patients and their families. - Dr. David Pryor, Chief Medical Officer, Ascension Health
Nurses have long had a critical role in ensuring that care for those with serious, progressive illness is both person-centered and compassionate. My colleagues and I are working with C-TAC to develop innovative curricula that integrates the best-practices of nursing and other care professions into an inter-professional, team-based approach to care delivery. Our curricula will support the transformation of care delivered to people across the life-span with advanced illnesses.
We also recognize that health professionals, just like patients and their families, can have significant emotional and spiritual needs as they care for people with advanced illness. That’s why we are developing a support system to help professionals share their experiences and challenges with one another and develop ways of addressing the root causes of their concerns. Communication, teamwork, psycho-social support –these are the pillars of C-TAC’s professional education model and the delivery of truly, person-centered, coordinated, compassionate care. - Cynda Hylton Rushton PhD, RN, FAAN, C0-Chair, C-TAC Professional Education Workgroup and Professor, Nursing and Pediatrics, John Hopkins University School of Nursing.
“Aetna has worked hard for several years to provide support and assistance to patients and families with advanced illness. Our leading-edge “Aetna Compassionate CareSM Program” has helped thousands of our members and their families cope with some of life’s most difficult circumstances,” said Randall Krakauer, MD, FACP, FACR Aetna’s national Medicare medical director. ”As we have demonstrated through our peer-reviewed, published results, the right interventions can have a dramatic impact at the intersection of cost and quality while also delivering a high level of member satisfaction and care during difficult times. We believe it is our responsibility and privilege to share our experience supporting patients and families with advanced illness, and we strongly support C-TAC’s significant efforts to bring together different groups within the health care system to help improve the way advanced illness is managed for these patients and their families.” - Randall Krakauer, MD, FACP, FACR, Medicare Medical Director, Aetna and Co-Chair of C-TAC’s Clinical Models Workgroup
At the heart of C-TAC’s work is better care for the seriously ill and support for their families. With our C-TAC partners, we are developing educational approaches to foster team-based care that includes patients and families as key members of the team. We envision a day when care is delivered at the right time and in the right setting, all based on the preferences of the patient and family. C-TAC and its members have the knowledge, skills, and experience to see that this is accomplished. – David E. Longnecker, MD, Director, Association of American Medical Colleges and Co-Chair, C-TAC Professional Education Workgroup
Medical schools and teaching hospitals have long been committed to improving care for the sickest and most vulnerable patients. We are in the unique position to be able to contribute to this important work through enhancements to curriculum and clinical care as well through research focusing on better ways to care for the seriously ill. We are proud to partner with C-TAC on this important initiative, which is central to our goal of improving the health of all Americans. – Darrell Kirch, MD, President and CEO, Association of American Medical Colleges
The National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization applauds the mission of C-TAC to improve care for people who are coping with advanced illness and are the most vulnerable among our population. NHPCO represents 3,000 hospice and palliative care providers that care for an estimated 90 percent of America’s hospice patients and look forward to working with C-TAC to achieve a more seamless continuum of care for all Americans. Since 2004, NHPCO’s Caring Connections initiative,, has provided important information about advance care planning and issues relating to caregiving for those near life’s end and supports advancement of all efforts that would help people become better informed regarding care options and their wishes for care. Health care policy, professional education and consumer awareness are all critically important, yet, it ultimately comes down to the highest quality care at the bedside and NHPCO welcomes C-TAC on its mission to advance this care. – J. Donald Schumacher, PsyD, President and CEO, National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization
C-TAC’s mission is perfectly aligned with our obsession – helping people live the happiest, healthiest life possible at every point on the care continuum. For over a decade, Eliza Corp. has used its technology platform to proactively engage people in conversations about their health – conversations that touch on topics that aren’t always easy. Over those ten years we’ve had millions of conversations with people about the things that matter to them the most – and it is that data-driven knowledge, combined with our own personal experience that led us to launch Engage With Grace, a non-profit movement aimed at helping people better understand, communicate, and have honored their end of life preferences. There is no better way to build on that growing effort than to ferociously support C-TAC. - Alexandra Drane, Co-Chair, C-TAC Public Engagement Workgroup and President and Co-Founder, Eliza Corporation
“The coalition is working toward comprehensive changes that will help people with serious, advanced illnesses — such as dementia, heart disease, and cancer — get the kind of quality care they need,” said Jennie Chin Hansen, Chief Executive Officer, American Geriatrics Society (AGS) and Co-Chair, C-TAC Steering Committee. “We have joined together to insure that people with advanced illnesses – serious health problems that are typically accompanied by functional decline, for which available treatments often lose their efficacy, and which frequently lead to death – get the comprehensive, high quality, patient-centered care they want.”
“The AGS is pleased to be a founding member of C-TAC, noted AGS President Dr. Barbara Resnick. “Care for advanced illness is at the heart of clinical practice for geriatrics health professionals. We are committed to working through C-TAC to insure that we transform care for individuals with advanced illness and are delighted that Jennie Chin Hansen is serving in the leadership of this group.”
“After years of working toward better care for people with serious illness, the doors are finally opening for change. We have developed new and proven models of care in various regions and health systems across the US. Now C-TAC will enable us to merge our efforts and create true delivery system reform for those who need it most, supported by new healthcare policy, public engagement for grassroots empowerment, and dynamic education and training programs for doctors, nurses, and other professionals. Finally we have a way to get the care we need for our parents, our friends, and for future generations, with control of rampant cost growth as a significant bonus.” Brad Stuart, MD, Chief Medical Officer, Sutter Care at Home, Sutter Health.
Gundersen Health System is determined to be an active supporter of the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC). Gundersen, as a large, physician led, not-for-profit health system, has been working for over 20 years to improve care of persons with advance illness by developing, implementing, and integrating advance care planning, palliative care, and care coordination so that we consistently know and honor our patient preferences. This type of person and family centered care for people with advance illness is a best practice and needs to become the norm for all Americans. We believe that the C-TAC coalition will help change the practice, policy, and understanding so that this model of care will be adopted across the country. Dr. Jeff Thompson, CEO, Gundersen Health System.