Senate Hearing on Improving Advanced Illness Care
Senator Whitehouse at the Senate Special Committee on Aging hearing, June 13, 2012.
Yesterday, U.S. Senator Sheldon Whitehouse chaired a hearing of the Senate Special Committee on Aging entitled “Empowering Patients and Honoring Individual’s Choices: Lessons in Improving Care for Individuals with Advanced Illness.”
The hearing focused on efforts to improve the link between patient wishes and services provided for seriously ill individuals. Senator Whitehouse also announced his intention to work with the Coalition to Transform Advanced Care (C-TAC) and a bipartisan group of Senators on a conference to bring together a diverse, non-partisan group of health care stakeholders to further address this issue.
“We are pleased that the Committee held this hearing to focus on patients and their families who are dealing with advanced illness,” said Tom Koutsoumpas, Co-Chair of C-TAC. “We look forward to working with Sen. Whitehouse, Chairman Kohl, and all of the other members of the Senate Special Committee on Aging on these critical issues, including empowering consumers, changing the healthcare delivery system, and improving public and private policies. This hearing was a good start to a conversation that must be had by all stakeholders in advanced illness care – our policy makers included.”
For more information on the hearing, please click here.
You can find additional information about the book on innovative solutions in advanced illness care Senator Whitehouse is holding in the above picture and purchase your copy at