“Handbook for Mortals” Wins Award
The American Medical Writers Association has selected the second edition of “Handbook for Mortals: Guidance for People Facing Serious Illness,” as the recipient of its book award, to be presented at its annual conference in Sacramento next month.
The award is given in the consumer/public health category. Janice Lynch Schuster will accept the award on behalf of her coauthors, Joanne Lynn and Joan K. Harrold. Founded in 1940, AMWA is the leading professional organization for writers, editors, and other communicators of medical information. The association offers a highly regarded continuing education program.
You can find out more about the Handbook for Mortals from the co-authors here:
Through internal research and development program, the Altarum Institute funded the writing of this book, which offers practical information with a human touch for people facing serious illness near the end of life. Over the years, many readers have told the authors that the book “gives them the words” they need to face this time of life and to communicate with loved ones.