2013 Summit: Empowering Employers
January 30, 12:15AM-1:15PM Panel IV: Empowering Employers as Part of the Solution
Each year, millions of employees must navigate between caring for their loved ones and their workplace responsibilities, leading to emotional distress and billions in lost productivity to employers. Employers who take an active role in supporting their employees during this time have seen a significant effect on employee wellbeing, yielding less absenteeism and stress, higher morale.
Hear from representatives of the largest employers in the country as they discuss promising new workplace initiatives, why the time for change is right, and how employers (large and small) can get started. Following the panel, take part in the breakout discussion on strategies to empower employers with easy to use, low cost, innovative tools and resources to help employees.
- Brent Pawlecki, Chief Health Officer, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company
- Ann Richardson Berkey,Vice President, Public Affairs, McKesson
- Neil Trautwein, Vice President, National Retail Federation
- Jack Watters, Vice President for External Medical Affairs, Pfizer and ReACT (Respect a Caregiver’s Time) Coalition
Click here to join these leaders in deciding how to reform a fragmented, costly system and create lasting change.
Get the full Summit Agenda here.
Summit Dates and Location: January 29-30, 2013 at National Academy of Sciences Building 2101 Constitution Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20148
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To register visit our website: https://www.signup4.net/Public/ap.aspx?EID=2013486E.
Westover Consultants, Inc. is the logistics coordinator. Direct registration questions to Stephanie Crews, Conference Coordinator, at (301) 657-5809 or . Questions about the program may be directed to Georgette Spanjich, C-TAC’s Director of Operations, at (202) 434-7455 or .